The commune of Zehnacker has a population of 220 and a surface area of 218 ha. Zehnacker is close to the “Kaiserstrasse”, a roman road running from Saverne to Strasbourg. First settled in 739, Zehnacker was a property of the abbey of Marmoutier in the XIIth century and in the XIVth it was a fiefdom of the lords of Fénétrange, who sold it in 1503 to the city of Strasbourg which remained its proprietors until the Revolution. In the mid-XIXth century Zehnacker was known for the manufacture of limestone marbles, which earned its inhabitants the nickname of “Schnelleklepffler”.

As a small commune in the mainly agricultural Pré-Kochersberg district, Zehnacker is at present enjoying steady growth. Its population grew from 170 in 1999 to nearly 220 in 2004 and probably reached 300 in the year 2007.

Major improvement works (road, the public wash-house, the Mairie, the Place de l’Eglise, the cemetery and more) have increased the commune’s attractiveness and two new housing estates have been built. The commune is also trying to increase the amount of rented accommodation (it owned two accommodation units itself) by encouraging the formation of small collectives.

Équipements & services

  • Activités : Aire de jeux pour enfants à moins de 500 m


13 rue principale 67310 Zehnacker


  • On a route that is accessible by bus